Internet security providers typically offer a blanket solution to their clients, without considering the intricacies of the day to day operations of your business. This can often lead to a tough decision between making your system more secure, or more efficient. At Cornetics, we take your internet security very seriously and have a refined a custom method to creating solutions that integrates seamlessly into your business. We use a multi-layered approach that relies on intelligent assessments and proactive resolution.
Key features of our internet security solutions include:
Proactive resolution
Our internet security solutions are intelligent and adaptive, they automatically analyze data streams for certain behavioral patterns that are consistent with malware or other attackers and subsequently limits interactions with the offending IPs.
In-depth Traffic Reports
Our internet security package includes periodic, detailed reports on all incoming and outgoing network activity, so you can see how people are interacting with your site.
Multi-layered Safeguards
With our multi-layered approach to security, we make use of a wide array of industry approved tools and techniques to protect your systems, including DNS port protection, intelligent proxy, callback blocking and cloud-based protection.
Hassle-free implementation
We’ve designed the deployment process of our security solutions to be as simple and intuitive as possible. Experience streamlined protection on all devices on your network without the need for additional hardware. We also provide a unobtrusive client for devices that require protection but are not connected to the network.